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Changing conventions Edit on GitHub

When starting up Pomona gets its mapping conventions from ITypeMappingFilter.

By default the DefaultTypeMappingFilter is used, which defines a set of sane defaults.

If you want to alter these conventions using TypeMappingFilterBase as a base class is recommended, as implementing the whole ITypeMappingFilter interface would be a lot of work.

For some examples see code below:

    public class CrazyConventions : DefaultTypeMappingFilter
        public CrazyConventions(IEnumerable<Type> sourceTypes)
            : base(sourceTypes)

        public override string GetPropertyMappedName(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            // No cursing in the api
            return base.GetPropertyMappedName(type, propertyInfo).Replace("Shit", "Poo");

        public override IEnumerable<Type> GetResourceHandlers(Type type)
            // All our handlers follow the same naming convention
            return new[] { type.Assembly.GetType($"{type.FullName}Handler") };

        public override bool PostOfTypeIsAllowed(Type type)
            // No post of type allowed by default
            return false;

For further information see the ITypeMappingFilter interface definition. Most of the methods should hopefully be self-explanatory.