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JSON hypermedia format

Pomona exposes your web service using a JSON format that follows certain conventions.

Resource metadata

For a resource the following properties has a special, reserved meaning:

  • _uri: The canonical URL of the resource
  • _type: Type of the resource
  "_uri": "http://some-service/users/123",
  "_type": "User",
  "name": "bob",
  "is_active": true


Links to other resources are wrapped inside a JSON object with a _ref property, which makes it possible to detect them programmatically.

They can also contain a type hint for the referenced resource.

  "_type": "User",
  "_ref": "http://some-service/users/123"

Resource collections

Resource collections are presented as JSON objects with an items that holds the contained resources in a JSON array.


  • _type: Will be set to __result__
  • totalCount: Total count of all pages when $totalcount query parameter is set to true. Otherwise -1
  • skip: Number of elements to skip, specified using the $skip query parameter
  • next: Next page, null if current page is the last
  • previous: Previous page, null if current page is the first
  "_type": "__result__",
  "totalCount": -1,
  "items": [
      "_uri": "http://localhost:1337/game-consoles/a2600",
      "id": "a2600",
      "name": "Atari 2600"
      "_uri": "http://localhost:1337/game-consoles/gameboy",
      "id": "gameboy",
      "name": "Game Boy"
  "skip": 0,
  "previous": null,
  "next": "http://localhost:1337/game-consoles?$top=2&$skip=2"

Boxed value types

Because JSON has a limited number of primitive types, some values will be boxed.

  "_type": "Int64",
  "value": 23


Pomona uses a custom PATCH format, which feels intuitive and straight-forward for simple cases, and that also can support more advanced scenarios.

Property operators:

  • ! - Replaces a property (object or array). When setting to a value type this is always the default operation, making the ! optional.
  • * - Patches the existing object of a property (object or array).
  • - - Removes a property.

Array operators:

  • -@ - Indicates that an object item is removed from array using specificied identifier.
  • *@ - Indicates that an object item is to be located in array using specified identifier, and then patched.
  • Default operation is to add something to an array.


Property names starting with -, *, !, @ and ^ has to be escaped by putting ^ in front of it.


Original JSON document:

    "info": { "foo": "fighter", "crow" : "bar" },
    "people" : [
            "id" : 1,
            "name" : "Joe",
            "pets" : [
                { "race" : "Cat", "name" : "Wendy", "color" : "Black" },
                { "race" : "Dog", "name" : "Nana", "color" : "Brown" }
        { "id" : 2, "name" : "Peter" }
    "attributes" : {
        "goat" : "eat",
        "fish" : "swim",
        "-MUST_BE_ESCAPED-" : "nada"

Changing the info property (an object):

    "*info" : { "foo" : "miauu" }

As changing members that are not arrays is the default operation, this also changes the info property:

    "info" : { "foo" : "miauu" }

Replace the whole info property:

    "!info" : { "foo" : "unknown", "bar" : "hello" }

Removing the fish property from attributes:

    "attributes" : { "-fish" }

Removing the fish property from attributes (property value is ignored):

    "attributes" : { "-fish" : {} }

Replacing the strangely named "-MUST_BE_ESCAPED-" property from attributes requires escaping:

    "attributes" : { "!^-MUST_BE_ESCAPED-" : "REPLACED!" }

Remove Joe from the people array:

    "people" : [{ "-@id" : 1 }]

Change Peter in the people array:

    "people" : [{ "*@id" : 2, "name" : "Peter Pan" }]

Another way to change Peter in the people array (before renaming him to "Peter Pan" as per the above example):

    "people" : [{ "*@name" : "Peter", "name" : "Peter Pan" }]

Add Nancy to the people array:

    "people" : [{ "name" : "Nancy" }]

Replace the whole people property:

    "!people" : [{ "name" : "Peter Pan" }]

Changing the color of the pet Wendy from black to red, adding the mouse Kipper and deleting Karl:

    "*people" : [
            "@id" : 1,
            "pets" : [
                { "race" : "Mouse", "name" : "Kipper", "color" : "Gray" },
                { "*@name" : "Wendy", "color" : "Red" },
                { "-@name" : "Karl" }